Or put another way: is it not cool to be polite? Recently at Starbucks: I am fully packed with 4 frappuccinos and 4 pieces of cake. I am trying to balance the tablet as good as I can. Just a few steps to the door, should be no problem. A young lady is walking in front of me, she opens the door and then: bam! just slam the door even though she knows that I am directly behind her. The tablet drops on the floor with big tamtam, everything is scattered. I just stare at this lady and what does she do? Just shrugging her shoulders, looking stupid at me and goes on. WTF? Of course, nobody has to wait for me and take off the tablet but we should care about our fellow…
- Category: Thoughts -
Detox, Low Carb, No Carb, Green Smoothie and nowerdays there is the black juice. Have you already heard about it? A healthy drink enriched with black coal. Yes, we are really obsesses with our health and beauty. No chance for any carbs, they make are fattening and they are also responsible for a bad teint. Well maybe but what is life like without the taste of fresh bread with butter? Only half as good. Of course I also pay attention to a healty lifestyle. I am a vegetarian so I automatically life healthier because I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. But I am also a little bit annoyed about this ongoing super health hype. I mean isn't it allowed to enjoy anything? If we are drinking a mixed beer we have to…
I know that this is a very sensitive issue and I am treading on very thin ice with that but nevertheless I would like to tell you my opinion. Maybe it is not suitable for a fashion blog but there are also some things beyond fashion which draw my attention from time to time. What happened with the Germanwings airplane is a tragedy. It really is. And it remains unbelievable. The commited crime by the co-pilot is incomprehensible. I strongly deprecate this, an absolute horror and condemnation. I do not understand how somebody is able to kill himself and 150 other human beings? It remains a mystery. There are no words and no excuses. But I am also shocked about this continuing hunting on all depressed persons. And by the way: normally data protection officers…
Actually I did not want to publish a typical Wednesday post today but the disaster of yesterday changed my opinion. It is sad, really sad. On these days you always realize that life is not forever. It can happen to all of us, every day. It doesn't matter if we are sitting in a car or in an airplane. This is the reason why it is so important to enjoy every second of our live. Of course it is not always easy, sometimes it is really hard. On days like this we stop for a moment, shake our heads. But on the next day it is all the same. It is forgotten to fast. Unfortunately. The daily business is ruling our lives. We are running from one meeting to another, drinking the coffee hounded,…
Yes, the signs of time do not leave us untouched. It will catch you soon or later. This is guaranteed! So there are two options: you accept it and live with it or you will look like Uma Thurman newly. But I guess most of us do not want this. Beside little tips and tricks regarding fashion & beauty a confident attitude is most important. Well, getting older has a lot of advantages too: you are not insecure as once, you know what you want and what you don't want, a house, career, kids. Everything is possible. I am also catching myself these days by doing things that are meant for narrow-minded people. Me? I would never ever do this! I do not want to become like this, I am not a narrow-minded person…