When you finally found the perfect hairdresser... and then you have to move! Ahh! Almost every woman knows this situation, right? The search for the ONE and ONLY hairdresser usually lasts a lifetime. Same with me, I was searching almost 15 years for the right one. Well it is certainly the same with men. We are searching, searching and searching. And then: you are moving! Unbelievable! I could cry a river. Really cry a river. The whole relocation was at a tipping point. But you can understand me, right? ;) To be honest: I do not have the time and mood for searching again. And I will never ever find a good one again, I know that. I mean how often did I ran out of a hairdresser crying and screaming? 20 times? The…
- Category: Thoughts -
Style copy? If you take a look upon the blogosphere you will clearly see that there are not so many real bloggers anymore. They just seem to be an extended arm of the advertising industry. And they do their job nearly perfect. They are the best stereotypes who are mostly liked by the mainstream! Real sale machines! Every item they are representing on their "blog" is sold out within hours. And that's the whole deal with this story. The bloggers take a bath within their supposed "glory" and the companies make the big money. Win-Win. But unfortunately also a very sad story, Of course I do not want to lump all bloggers together but I think that I am actually writing for so many of us. Bloggers sell themselves. Everywhere and constantly. The only…
Just Social Media-addicted? We just need to take a look around. Is there anybody without a smartphone? Well, we do not count the 90 or 2 years old here. So there is nearly nobody without even one smartphone. We do not need to talk about our iPads and iMacs at home at this point. We are always online, up-to-date and reachable. Did you took a look around when you were out for dinne the last time? Couples do not even talk with each other, quite the contrary. They are just playing with their phones, the whole evening. The perfekt selfie has to be made and of course we need to take a short snap of our food before eating. Virtual likes are worth than real backslappings. But there would be a bigger benefit if…
Success = Goal of our lives? What do we want to achieve in our lives? We often know it very early. The masterplan is prepared even before we are leaving school. Everything is planned. There is nearly no air to breathe. Every deviation is like a big disaster. There were times when we could fade away in our daydreams, thinking about our future in the most colourful shades. But today there is no time left. Dreaming is wasting time! In a society which is only demanding and expecting performance. Everything that counts is achieving the next steps: studies, bachelor, master, doc! The 5-years-plan should not be missing of course! We are running after our goals and forget to live the moment. We are measuring due to our successes, the done steps! The award is…
Family Love Sometimes you just wanna run away. Far far away. Leave everthing behind, sorting life, breaking up and also break out. Away from daily business, out of the rat race, away from the eternal dilemma. The world lies in front of us. The bis adventure, the great unkown. This was the way I felt when I was a teenager. I just wanted to be left alone. I did not want to hear the endless lectures of my parents anymore. I was dreaming of leaving my hometown and just begin a new life anywhere else. I simply wanted to be a grown-up. Now, 15 years later I stand on my own feet of course. Placed in life. I bear responsibility for myself, my actions and my loved ones, my little own family. Every day.…