The big hair desaster

When you finally found the perfect hairdresser…

and then you have to move! Ahh! Almost every woman knows this situation, right? The search for the ONE and ONLY  hairdresser usually lasts a lifetime. Same with me, I was searching almost 15 years for the right one. Well it is certainly the same with men. We are searching, searching and searching. And then: you are moving! Unbelievable! I could cry a river. Really cry a river. The whole relocation was at a tipping point. But you can understand me, right? 😉

To be honest: I do not have the time and mood for searching again. And I will never ever find a good one again, I know that. I mean how often did I ran out of a hairdresser crying and screaming? 20 times? The problem is that the new hairdresser does not understand you at all. Of course we have collected a lot of examples before, presenting them proudly and hoping that he or she will truly understand our wishes. The answer is an understanding nodding and we let ourself fall into the trusted hands of the master.

Ok and then we wake up again and take a look into the mirror. What we see is the perfect reincarnation of “Mutter Beimer“. First we do not believe our eyes. We are trying to carry this situation with dignity. We usually think something like this: It will probably look better at home, I just have to get used to it. But hello! I just wanted to get some soft balayage and cutting the tips and not getting a damn old neck hairstyle! This can truly wait 40 years!

Normally you would like to take the hairdresser reflexive into a stranglehold. But of course we are taking it easy with a classy attitude. At least to the outside. Insight there is a bad war happening. With pinched teeth you are trying to explain what you have expected and what not. He seems to be surprised and mercifully we do not have to pay for this desaster. Well this is certainly the least reward, mon dieu!

So when we finally got out the hairdresser we are jumping right into our car, fighting, struggling, screaming the whole way back home! At home we would love to stay there forever. I guess every woman knows this situation or similar. And now I found the perfect hairdresser for me who understands my feelings, my wishes, my whole hair and I really have to leave! This is a tragedy!

I really think about driving 500 km for my next hairdresser appointment, I am not joking at all! This is nothing compared to the pains I had to go through visiting bad hairdressers again and again….

To be continued…




  • Reply POTTlike Sunday April 24th, 2016 at 10:40 AM

    Oh ja, wir verstehen dich zu gut! 😉 Und vor allem sind uns unsere Haare so wichtig! Einmal versaut, muss man damit einige Zeit klarkommen. Und schlimme Haare machen einen ganzen Looh kaputt. Ich habe auch lange gebraucht, bis ich den richtigen Friseur gefunden habe. Aber irgendwie auch schlimm, dass es so viele schlechte gibt -.-

    • Reply Monique Friday April 29th, 2016 at 09:29 AM

      Da habt ihr absolut Recht! Es dauert ja auch immer so lange bis die Haare dann mal wieder nachwachsen. Eine wahre Odyssee! Wirklich schlimm! Umso schlimmer ist es jetzt für mich schon wieder einen guten Friseur zu suchen…Habt ihr vielleicht einen Tipp für mich? Ich bin ja jetzt ganz in der Nähe von Dortmund, vielleicht gibt es in Dortmund einen guten?

      Viele liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende ♥♥

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