# Is it cool to be impolite? #

Or put another way: is it not cool to be polite?

Recently at Starbucks: I am fully packed with 4 frappuccinos and 4 pieces of cake. I am trying to balance the tablet as good as I can. Just a few steps to the door, should be no problem. A young lady is walking in front of me, she opens the door and then: bam! just slam the door even though she knows that I am directly behind her.  The tablet drops on the floor with big tamtam, everything is scattered. I just stare at this lady and what does she do? Just shrugging her shoulders, looking stupid at me and goes on. WTF? Of course, nobody has to wait for me and take off the tablet but we should care about our fellow human beings and do not slam the door in front of them? Am I right or is it far too much?

Is it not cool to be polite? I really think it is a frequent occurence lately. Is it the beginning of a new trend? Yes, exactly: be cool and impolite!

Free the seat for the older lady in the bus? Oh my god, are you kidding? The hell not. You will lose your face in front of your friends. Even the ladies and gentlemen from several call center seem to be more impolite. How often does it happen that somebody is rude on the phone or just ring off? Why does it happen? Are we so stressed that we are not able to be polite anymore? Do we not care about others? Well I am afraid this is the truth. Decency and good behavior is not known by the most, unfortunately.

Or is it a good form today to be cool and slam the door in front of other people? It seems to be a trial of strenght. Everyone who shows emotions or human traits will be excluded.

I am sorry but good behavior is something my parents teached me in my early childhood. To stare into a smartphone, bored, answering What’s App messages during a meeting or talking loud on the phone? Something I have all experienced. But I would never ever do this. I do have respect for others and I also expect that from others.   For this reason I will continue opening doors for other people, I will free the seat for the old lady and I will never talk loud on the phone during a meeting. So am I not cool now? Well who cares, I am rather not cool than impolite!

Have a nice wednesday,




  • Reply Tine Wednesday May 6th, 2015 at 09:31 AM

    Ist leider kein Einzelfall und möglicherweise wirklich ein Trend, den ich nicht gutheiße. Aber dass dieses Mädel dir nicht die Tür aufgehalten hat, ist wirklich unmöglich… Da finde ich keine Worte für!

    Liebste Grüße


    • Reply mooffduty Saturday May 9th, 2015 at 09:10 AM

      Du hast Recht und es ist wirklich, wirklich schlimm! Ich weiß auch nicht, was sich das Mädel dabei gedacht hat, wahrscheinlich gar nichts 😉 Empathie fehlt leider vielen.

      Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende,

  • Reply martina Wednesday May 6th, 2015 at 11:43 AM

    Liebe Monique,

    ich bin ganz auf deiner Seite, und ich bin gern uncool 😉
    Aber ich glaub – leider – du hast recht, bevor jemand Gefühle zeigt schaut er lieber weg oder setzt eine Maske auf. SCHADE!

    lg martina

    • Reply mooffduty Saturday May 9th, 2015 at 09:11 AM

      😀 das ist wirklich ein Problem in unserer Gesellschaft! Aber wir müssen uns treu bleiben und sind deshalb lieber uncool 🙂

      Viele liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende,

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