# other expectations vs. independent life #

Are we living an independent life?

How often do we really do what we want? How often are we led by others and how often do we bow the pressure of our society? These are questions I often ask myself. Are we really living that life we want to life or do we just live the lives everybody wants us to live?

It also happens particulary often that I bow myself to some society rules, even if I don’t want to. But that’s how it should be. In others eyes. Are we obliged to stay with a work which we do not enjoy at all but it is rationally? Or is it better to quit everything and start something completely new? It is not only the fear of something new which is paralysing us. Are we able to pay our bills? Existential fears are bother us night and day. “What? You cannot just quit your job! Are you crazy? What if it does not work? Have you even tought about that? Your job is really well paid!” Yes, maybe it is. But if you are going to work with stomach pains every morning then it is not the right job. Money cannot buy health. Then I rather take the risk instead of lying in hospital with stomach ulcer.

Leave everything behind what makes you sick. This is valid for every area in life. Even though it is painful at the beginning it is often the first step into the right direction. We should not be led by expectations of others. Their expectations are not ours.

We are dreaming of a sabbatical in Asia, just travelling around with our backpack. Our parents on the other hand want us to end our studies successfully, after that we should open our first long-sought office, marry someone, get a child and last but not least building a house. But if this is not our dream? What if we do not want any children and certainly not a house? Is it a direct affront against our parents? Maybe, but they have to get over it. They have to accept it, they have to accept that their child wants to live another life. It wants to be free and independent. It this a reason to be a bad person? Not at all. And our parents are only happy if we are happy, that’s for sure.

The same is with our partners or friends. Only if we stay true to ourselves we have the opportunity to be authentic and happy. Do our friends expect that we are bashing a big party when we are turning 30? Maybe. Should we? Maybe. But if we do not want to party than we just let it be.  It feels so good to do what you want to do. We only have this one life and no one gives us the opportunity to take it back. Not our parents, not our friends, not our boyfriends and not our colleagues.

It is never too late if you only believe in yourself! You always wanted to work on your own? Then just get it started today! You want to take a sabbatical? Then just get it started today! You always wanted to live as freelance artist within a hippie commune? Then just get it started today! Change your business costume against freedome! Celebrate life by every trick in the book!

Start living your independent life!



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