Love isn’t a question of age

Love does not know age

Do we really need the 30. jeans to impress our boyfriend or hubby? Do we really need a botox treatment to be attractive for him?

I say: NO! We just let us lead too much by external influences and forget about real beauty. Men like us if when we are confident and not always complain about ourselves. They do not like it if we are complaining about our body all day long. Why are we so strict when it comes to ourselves and why are we much too strict when it comes to other women?

Is it so difficult to be satisfied with what we have? Why do we always want to optimize anything on our body? There is an unrealistic image of women in our society. It really is. You only have to go through some Instagram Feeds. You might get panic if you are getting older. It seems like nobody wants to be older. There is some tuning and faking everywhere. It is so important to be perfect and young! No wrinkles, oh my god! But is this the real life? It’s more appearance than substance. And the question is: What kind of privations are these people going through? Maybe the girl with the thin stomach does not eat anything during the day to have the perfect stomach for the perfect selfie in the evening. But is it really worth it? Are we so fixed regarding our appearance?

Unfortunately yes. But I think we should be satisfied with what we have. Everyone of us is beautiful in her very own special way. We have to accept our body. Everyone has weak points, but this is totally normal, we are human beeings and no roboters. And our hubby loves us the way we are.

Just ask you one question: would you love your boyfriend the similar way even if he gets sick, increases his weight for about 20 kg or if he looses his hair? Of course we would! True love has nothing to do with the appearance. Real beauty comes from the inside. And this is not only a hollow term. I love my husband with neck and crop, even if we are old and fragile, he is the most beautiful man in my eyes!

And who says that older people are not allowed to love? Love is stronger and tightened at a old age. There is nothing sweeter than lovestruck older couples. I remember our holidays in South France where I have watched an older couple day by day. They went swimming together, hand in hand, go out of the sea, hand in hand. He took care of his wife so touching, he brought her a towel, he dried her off, he brought her something to eat. And they hold hands all the time. So caring and loving.  Is there anything more beautiful in life? Love does not know age. If you find it, stuck to it and hold it really strong. It doesn’t matter if you are 20, 30, 50 or even 90.

In line with the theme I have found this wonderful video. It is about a young couple who is going to be married in a couple of weeks. With help of some make-up artists they are aging about 70 years within some minutes. Extremely touching, emotional and just wonderful!

In this spirit,

Love is all we need ♥



  • Reply m-iwear Wednesday May 27th, 2015 at 11:01 AM

    Liebe Monique,

    Ich habe nichts mehr hinzuzufügen! TOLLER BEITRAG, Danke

    Lg Martina

    • Reply mooffduty Sunday May 31st, 2015 at 11:23 AM

      Danke Liebes ♥ ich hoffe du hattest einen schönen Urlaub?

      Ganz liee Grüße

      • Reply m-iwear Sunday May 31st, 2015 at 04:40 PM

        Dankeschön, ja mein Urlaub war perfekt.

        Lg martina

  • Reply FashionqueensDiary Thursday November 19th, 2015 at 09:37 PM

    Toller Beitrag, dem nichts mehr hinzuzufügen ist!!!


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