Luxury Fashion│Where’s the limit?
Do we really need to buy, and buy and buy – Luxury Fashion?
Hi my loves,
you may have read one of those article about Vetements the last time. Some of them love him and celebrate him as the new fashion messias but the other ones do not understand how anyone can buy a simple DHL Shirt for 250 €. They usually do not want this shirt for free, so is there a luxury overdose?
What is this hype all about and what makes a luxury label so wanted that fashionistas even fight to get one of those items?
I wanted to exlpore this mystery and came to the following conclusion: it is nreally not about the product itself it is even more about being part of an intimate little luxury fashion family. It has nothing to do with logical thinking or any kind of comprehension. Well no normal human would ever buy a reconstructed Levi’s for more than 1.000 €. No. It is even more about the special feeling, the special kick when it comes to the “Buy now” section and the chekout. This feeling is nearly indescribable and one of the best ever.
A feeling of power, superiority, being part of a minority who is able to afford such expensive things. It is about Prestige and Recognition!
It doesn’t matter that only a few fashion insider know that these shirts are not borrowed from the postmen. Insider know the differences and this is what it is all about: Insider always recognize other Insiders, being recognized as an Insider. Truly weird, right?
This is certainly the core of the story. The Inner Circle of Fashion. Of course we do not need any of bells and whistles, we also don’t need 10 pairs of jeans. We don’t need a pair of jeans which is as expensive as the German average wage. This is crazy, absolutely crazy!
But fashion has nothing to do with logical thinking. It can not be calculated mathematically, there are no rules. Fashion is creativity, fashion is impulsive and it is also exclusive from time to time.
The lables know that and they know it very well. So whenever they lauch any new limited Capsule collection it will be sold out within minutes even if the price is as high as for a used small car.
The fashion industry is crazy, no question, but I really love everything about it and I also understand all of my colleagues out there. Everyone who felt in love with fashion is truly obsessed. Till the end of days. Ok, now I have to say Goodbye at this point…you know Gucci just launched the new Fall/Winter collection! 🙂
With this in mind,
Shop Vetements
And here is the famous shirt from Vetements
Credit: Pinterest
Coole Jeans! LG Tomasino
Ja, die Jeans ist wirklich cool, aber leider auch umbezahlbar. Da setze ich doch lieber auf DIY 🙂
Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend,
liebe Grüße
Monique xx
[…] eben habe ich erst darüber berichtet, dass Vetements zurzeit extrem gehyped wird und in aller Munde ist. Nun, das ist natürlich auch dem größten Fast-Fashion Konzern nicht […]