HydraFacial – Project Healthy Skin



How to get healthy skin with a HydraFacial

Hi my loves,

if you follow me on Snapchat or Instagram Stories you might have seen that I just got my first “Hollywood” Skin Treatment, a HydraFacial. Yes exactly the big HydraFacial every American Actress is currently crazy about, well but it definitely made its way all down to Germany, healthy skin for all!

First of all I have to say that I actually have to fight with bad skin condition for quite a while now. And there was absolutely nobody who could help me at all. I was just going crazy, I can tell you! There were so many annoying things like rednesses or impurities. At the beginning I thought that there is a context betweend my allergy (it is a real bad one I am fighting with the whole year now) and my skin problems. But “unfortunately” neurodermatitis is not my problem here. So I went to a very renowned doctor in Münster who is specialised in aesthetic dermatology.

Dr. Ruetter told me that I am not using the right skin care. That was the first point and she might could be right because m skin is so sensitive and I always use different products. I know I should not try every single thing but if you get them as a blogger you have to try them once at least, right? 😉

The other big problem is my dairy products consumption, I have to admit that I eat a lot and I really mean a lot of cheese and joghurts during the day. Not a good thing, I know. This is something I really have to change quickly. So I try to avoid everything animal at least one week a month, some kind of vegan.

To start with the project “Healthy Skin” Dr. Ruetter suggested to try a HydraFacial. Ok, let’s do it, said and done. I am always open when it comes to new experiences!

What exactly is this so called “HydraFacial”?

The HydraFacial Treatment is made for every skin type. It is the newest and most progressve non-invasively skin renewal treatment. And it is very important to get your skin healthy. In a summary it is good/against the folling problems:

  • Elasticity & Tautness
  • Glowing Teint
  • Even Skin Tone
  • Sun damages / Hyperpigmentation
  • Oily Skin / Advanced pores
  • Anti Aging

The HydraFacial is made in 4 steps:

  • Skin Denudation (some kind of Microdermabrasion)
  • Acid Peeling
  • Deep Cleansing
  • Hydration (Antioxidants, Vitamins, Hyaluronic Acid)

After the HydraFacial which was really long and realxing Dr. Rutter suggested to apply a special skin care set from South Africa for at least 4 weeks now. It is done without any conservatives, colourings or perfumes. It is also not comedogenic. The serial includes 6 different products


  • Cleanser
  • Toner
  • Enzymatic Peeling
  • Moisturizer
  • Gel
  • Sun Protection

So first I start with the cleanser or peeling (twice a week), then I use the toner to prepare my skin for the next step. Afterwards I use the “Skin Regulator”, a light gel. Then I apply the moisturizer and last but not least the sun protection.


This skin care serial is made for 4-5 weeks. After that I should see first results. Dr. Ruetter mentioned that my skin might react with some more impurties at the beginning. This process will last about 7-10 days. After that my skin should get better step by step every day.

Lucky me I can say that my skin is not reacting that bad at all. It is more like I lost a few wrinkles and impurties immediately. I feeld some kind of newborn. So I am super curious if my project “Healthy Skin” will get the best results in the end. I will keep you updated lovelies!

And if you have some extra advise for my skin problems, please let me know!




  • Reply Julia Tuesday November 1st, 2016 at 08:34 PM

    Wow ich bin schon ganz gespannt, wie es weiter geht und ob deine Haut besser wird. Leider habe ich auch sehr viele Unreinheiten…mich würde mal interessieren, was du an der Ernährung ändern solltest und wie denn die Preise so sind. Liebe Grüße Julia http://fashionblonde.de

    • Reply Monique Thursday November 3rd, 2016 at 04:06 AM

      Ja, ich bin auch total gespannt und hoffe einfach, dass es endlich besser wird!

      Die Preise für ein HydraFacial, wenn du das meinst, variieren ganz stark. Es gibt welche für 100€, man kann aber auch schnell 200€ bezahlen. Das hängt von dem jeweiligen Hauttyp und dem Institut ab. Die Pflegeserie kostet komplett 125€.

      Bezüglich der Ernährung soll ich vor allem darauf achten, dass ich kaum noch Milchprodukte esse. Kuhmilch ist ganz schlecht. Schafs- oder Ziegenmilch ist da viel besser. Generell ist das Thema “Clean Eating” sehr wichtig. Also ich sollte darauf achten hauptsächlich gesunde Lebensmittel (was ich auch wirklich meistens mache) zu konsumieren und auf Nahrungsmittel mit künstlichen Zusätzen (Geschmacksverstärker, Farbstoffe etc.), leeren Kalorien, zuckerhaltige Getränke, ungesunde Fette und Alkohol zu verzichten.

      Ich bin auf jeden Fall selbst gespannt wie es weitergeht! 🙂

      Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag,

      liebe Grüße
      Monique xx

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