# 10 ways to stay fit & healthy #

To be honest I really wanted to post something regarding fitness and health earlier. But you know there is always so much to do. So it took me some time to create my first post. But I am planning more posts and even videos. Well, I am not sure if I am the best for videos but I will give it a try. I hope you will like this new category. My main focus will remain on fashion but fitness and health is also very important in my life so I would like you take part of it.

It is all subjectively and these are my experiences. It doesn’t mean that all my advices work for you too. You may have to find the best way for yourself. I would only like to give you some good advice. And I also do not breaking new ground, these tips are already existing but they work for me the best. You can pick the best tips for you then! So let’s start with my 10 tips to stay crunchy, fit and healthy the whole year:

1. Eat Avocados, green seasonal vegetables and fruits

I think almost everyone knows that vegetables are really healthy. Especially green and seasonal vegetables like kale and brussels sprout. You may not like it but both cabbages are real vitamin c bombs and this is really important, above all in winter. Generally you should choose seasonal vegetables and fruits. First the other things do not taste good at all and isn’t healthy (think about the long transports, pesticides etc.)

My all-time-favourite is avocado. By the way did you know that this is a fruit? The avacodo is perfect for any kind of smoothie but it is also great just putting it onto your bread or mix it into your salad. Delicious! Avocados contains a lot of fat, but we are talking about good fat, essential mono-unsaturated fats (Omega 3 + 6). Additionally a lot of vitamins (Vitamin E, B6) and minerals (biotin, magnesium) A power fruit! Good for your shape, hair and nails!

2. Drink almond milk

I drink a glass of almond milk every day. If I am getting prettier? Well, I don’t know. You might have to ask my husband 🙂 but by all means I have less blemishes and the milk tastes so good. Of course it is also super healthy. It contains a high level of vitamin E. This is ideal for people who have problems with skin blemishes like me.

3. Avoid meat and other animal fats

For me as a vegetarian it is not a big problem. But I can only advice you to eat meat as less as possible. Aside the ethical issues too much fat and red meat increases the cholesterol levels which can lead to vascular problems and heart attacks. You may not notice it now but your body will take revenge if there is too much. If you have to eat meat, then take lean meat. But it would be the best to avoid it completely. For you and for the animals!

4. Sauna visits

Just do it like the finns. It is an elementary part of their culture. There is a sauna in almost every private house and it serves the relaxation and body cleansing. Regular sauna visits are balsam for the soul (I am always falling asleep after a sauna day), they also strength our immun system, release tensions, make us more resistent and promotes the blood circulation (good against cellulitis, the membranes get a better circulation). If it is possible go once a month into the sauna. It would be ideal once a week. By the way the finnish women have less cellulits then the german, this is proved!

5. Regular exercises

You might cannot hear and see it anymore. But it is the truth. Movement is always good. It keeps us fit, healthy and young. I also know the inner couch potato. I have to fight against it very often. But if you mobilize yourself you feel much better afterwards. You can be proud. I usually combine different kind of exercises: 2 times a week cardio training (jogging, cross trainer, spinning), 1-2 times a week a special workout (ballett beautiful or units from my favourite trainer Jillian Michaels) and 1-2 times a week weight training (I combine machines with free dumbbells)

6. A lot of sleep

Healthy and relaxing sleep is really important. If we have not slept enough you will see it immediately on our face. Bad-sleeping can lead to health problems. We become more prone to depressions, do not loose weight and cardio-vascular diseases are also possible. We feel weak and tired and cannot concentrate ourselves. You have to find the best bedtime ritual for yourself. Some like reading a good book, others like drinking a hot milk with honey. It is also important going to sleep and getting up at the same time every evening and morning. Also at the weekends. You should not take your smartphones and laptops into your bedroom. A hot tub before going to bed is also good and it is actually one of my favourites. 8-9 hours sleep are ideal. Try to sleep as much as you can. A power nap inbetween is also perfect.

7. Relaxation exercises

Everyone know this situation: we are just rushing away from work and have to do 1000 things afterwards. Our pulse is running. Pure stress! Time is running out, always! But stop! We need to take a little break. Permanent stress is making us ill. After work just grab a little pillow and sit down. Close your eyes and inhale, then exhale. Just concentrate on your breathing, 10 minutes! If your thoughts may drift away, force yourself to concentrate on your breathing. If you will do this every day you will be calmer quickly. This is my promise!

8. A digital-detox-day a week

Once a week we should leave all electronical devises beside. I know it is not easy at all. We are always reachable and we are afraid of missing something. Especially we blogger do not want to take away our IPhone. But you have to do it. There is a constant stimulus overload. We cannot concentrate at all. There is nothing better than just enjoy a relaxing sunday with you loved one without any electronics. We do not take enough time for such things in our daily life. So just put your IPhone away and take a walk. You will see, you do not have missed anything and you feel great!

9. Walks

Fresh air is always good. Even it is cold outside just try to get as much fresh air as possible. We need it especially in the winter months. Our body has not enough vitamin D but you will get it outside. Natural light is the best source. Walks have a lot of positive results: it relieves stress (perfect after work), effects of tiredness will disappear, it improves the heart condition and boots the metabolism. Try to incorporate it once a week.

10. Allow yourself a special enjoying day

Beside all these health mantras we need to kick over the traces once a week. Cakes, Cookies, Fast-Food, Alcohol (red wine is the best). Just take whatever you want to. Permanent renunciation just makes us unhappy. I do the same. If I like to eat a piece of cake, I eat it or even two pieces. The next day I can eat my vegetables. I do not have to make sacrifices. This is really important!


Photo via Pinterest


  • Reply Melanie Saturday February 21st, 2015 at 03:08 AM

    Great post– and that green drink looks incredible!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

    • Reply mooffduty Saturday February 21st, 2015 at 01:48 PM

      Thank you Melanie! Yes, you should really try an Avocado Smoothie, it is just delicious! 😛

      Have a nice weekend,

  • Reply Theresa Saturday February 21st, 2015 at 06:54 PM

    toller toller Post und 10 wirklich gute Punkte 🙂

    Alles Liebe, Theresa
    von theriswardrobe.com

    • Reply mooffduty Sunday February 22nd, 2015 at 10:04 PM

      Danke liebe Theresa! Ich kann nur sagen, dass ich mich dank der Tipps gut fühle, auch wenn ich nicht immer alle Punkte beachte 😉

      Dir einen schönen Abend,

      liebe Grüße

  • Reply Prudence Yeo Tuesday February 24th, 2015 at 03:46 AM

    Great and practical tips for keeping healthy, thanks for sharing!


  • Reply sPOTTlight Tuesday February 24th, 2015 at 10:53 PM

    Hallo, liebe Monique!

    Wir sind echt super beeindruckt, dass du das so durchziehst! Das könnten wir Naschkatzen gar nicht 😀 Und die zehn Punkte sind super, wir sollten das vielleicht auch mal probieren … Wie fühlst du dich denn nun? Ist man schlapp oder gar nicht?

    Wünschen dir eine tolle Woche <3

    • Reply mooffduty Wednesday February 25th, 2015 at 09:14 AM

      Hallo ihr zwei Lieben,

      also schlapp bin ich nur nach dem Sport, ansonsten geht es. 😉 Aber ich ziehe das ja auch schon mehrere Jahre so durch und ich muss sagen, dass es mir viel, viel besser geht. Früher habe ich mich oft energielos, einfach ausgepowert gefühlt. Und heute fühle mich rundum fit wie ein Turnschuh 🙂

      Probiert es mal aus, vielleicht tut es euch auch gut?

      Euch auch eine schöne Woche und ganz liebe Grüße,

  • Reply Helen Wednesday May 6th, 2015 at 04:44 PM

    Ich muss gestehen, dass da echt gute tipps sind. Vor allem der Digital-Detox tag gefällt mir sehr! Muss schließlich auch mal sein, auch wenn es schweirig ist.


    • Reply mooffduty Saturday May 9th, 2015 at 09:12 AM

      Danke liebe Helen ♥ ich musste mich auch erst zwingen einen Digital-Detox Tag einzulegen, aber wenn man es einmal geschafft hat, dann geht es und es tut sooo gut! 🙂

      Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende,

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