Unrealisitc goals?

Success = Goal of our lives?

What do we want to achieve in our lives? We often know it very early. The masterplan is prepared even before we are leaving school.

Everything is planned. There is nearly no air to breathe. Every deviation is like a big disaster.

There were times when we could fade away in our daydreams, thinking about our future in the most colourful shades. But today there is no time left. Dreaming is wasting time! In a society which is only demanding and expecting performance.

Everything that counts is achieving the next steps: studies, bachelor, master, doc! The 5-years-plan should not be missing of course!

We are running after our goals and forget to live the moment. We are measuring due to our successes, the done steps! The award is more worth than the person behind. So we are struggling, day by day.

But what happens if we are not achieving a goal? If there are just too high or unrealistic? Then it seems that we are breaking down.

It is not only the shame towards our family or friends, no, especially in front of ourselfes. We wanted to prove something to ourself!

But we should admit from time to time that we are only human beings. Human beings and no computers. Plans have to be reconsidered and even changed. It is no big deal but a new chance!

We can only go new ways if we keep our eyes open and regarding everything from another point of view! Mabye some ways which we have not seen before, some new ones. It is not a shame if we are not achieving goals. Sometimes there are just not the right ones.

We have unlearned hearing the voice inside. If we would hear the voice more often, things will probably not go wrong!

It is no shame defining new goals. It is only a shame running after wrong goals!

With this in mind,

Unterschrift Monique



  • Reply Julia Sunday December 27th, 2015 at 09:32 PM

    Ein schöner Beitrag und ich verstehe deinen Gedanken.
    Aber teilweise störe ich mich auch am genauen Gegenteil, am Treiben lassen, keinen Plan haben, Nichts Wollen, Nichts Aufbauen – und sich dann trotzdem beschweren. Weißt du, was ich meine? Und auch auf die Leute trifft dein Fazit zu: Es ist keine Schande, Ziele neu zu stecken!

    Einen schönen Blog hast du, hier schau ich öfter vorbei 🙂
    Grüße aus München

    Julia | notyourcomfortzone.com

    • Reply mooffduty Monday December 28th, 2015 at 11:03 AM

      Vielen Dank liebe Julia! Du hast absolut Recht: Leute, die so gar keinen Plan haben stören mich auch. Man sollte einfach versuchen einen gesunden Mittelweg zu finden. 🙂

      Ich hoffe du hattest schöne Weihnachtsfeiertage? ♥

      Ganz liebe Grüße

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