Life = a scary thing?

Are the Germans always scared?

I have just returned from vacation and there is an issue I would really like to talk about: fear. As you might see on Instagram I have been in Greece the last two weeks and there is a complete different way of life and attitude towards life. Evil tongues would say that this is one of the reasons why Greece has problems at the moment. Well, maybe, but there is also something we could really from: calmness. Exactly.

We, the Germans, tend to have excessive fears. We are scared of losing our job, we are scared of getting old and becoming a constant nursing, we are scared of not being completely insured, we are scared of changes and we are scared of being afraid.

Yes, exactly. Some industries only earn good money with fears. Just think about all the insurances! Existing fears are getting compounded. But is this really neccessary? Doesn’t fears paralyze us?

How many times do we find ourselves that we would like to try something but our fear is stopping us in the end. But isn’t it right that we are only getting stronger and more confident if we get some new experiences and face challenges? If we are always draw in one’s horns and not trust in ourselves, nothing will happen. Life will be as before. Either you will lump with it or you have to change something!

In my opinion it is always a good idea to be brave! Of course you don’t know if the next step is the right one in advance. But if you do not even try, you’ve lost. A wise man said that we do not regret things we do, we will regret things we didn’t do. And he is right. How do you want to know if you didn’t even try?  And if it doesn’t work then you will have to rethink. If one door is closing, another door will open.  Life is a rollercoaster. But life goes on. This is a fact.

If you really want something you only have to believe it and take the first step and just do it! The rest will follow. Even crazy and unrealistic dreams can come true! You are dreaming of working for yourself? Do it! You are dreaming of emigrate? Do it? You are dreaming of terminate your job and try something else? Do it! You always wanted to sing karaoke? Do it! Throw your supensions overboard and do it! Afterwards you can be proud of yourself and you will feel fantastic!

Life is a gift and we should celebrate and enjoy it! Everybody around you who is not supporting you and also thwarting you are probably the ones who have never ever tried something in their lives. The world belongs to the brave! Do not allow anybody to upset you! Just listen to your stomach. It usually tells the truth.

But I do not want to encourage you to freak out, please don’t get me wrong! Everybody has to know what is right or wrong. I only want to courage you to do things and open your eyes for it! There is nothing to be scared of. Risks are part of our lives. All experiences make our life a colourful. And afterwards you can certainly say:  I have lived, tried a lot of things, loved, suffered and laughed. There are good and bad times, but there are all for a reason and I have used every moment!

Just leave behind all fears and do it! Be calmer and more relaxed.

A popular sport in Greece is stop and staring at the ocean. I am not kidding. This is something we should also do from time to time. Everything wil be fine! 😉

With this in mind have a nice Wednesday,



P.S. you can also follow me on Snapchat now: mooffduty


  • Reply m-iwear Wednesday June 24th, 2015 at 09:55 AM

    Liebe Monique,

    ja sind wir. Da wir alles materielle horten und daher für die schönen und lebenswerten Dinge im Leben keinen Blick mehr haben. Ich nehm mich da ja nicht aus, nur ich hab den Schritt gewagt und bin ausgestiegen bevor es zu spät war, ich hab meinen gut bezahlten Job aufgegeben und arbeite jetzt nur mehr Teilzeit und hab dafür Zeit meinen Blog zu schreiben und das Leben zu genießen. ……. und ich hab keine ANGST vor der Zukunft, denn ich weiß wenn man will schafft man es 😉

    Ganz liebe Grüße


    • Reply mooffduty Friday June 26th, 2015 at 11:32 AM

      Hallo liebe Martina, du hast absolut Recht! Ich finde es toll, dass du diesen Schritt gewagt hast, alle Achtung! Nicht viele schaffen es dem Karussell zu entsteigen! Große Klasse! ♥

      Ganz liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende

  • Reply Tine Wednesday June 24th, 2015 at 11:01 AM

    Das ist in vielen Ländern so, dass einmal mehr inne gehalten wird und das Leben genossen wird 🙂
    Nur denke ich, kommt der Erfolg nicht von irgendwoher, sondern vom Weitermachen und nicht nur gelassen in den Tag hineinblicken.
    In Kolumbien ist es ähnlich und ich fand meine Urlaub dort toll. Aber irgendwo gehört das für mich mehr zum Urlaubsgefühl 😉

    Liebe Grüße

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