Power Hyaluron Shake by Annemarie Börlind
Get the extra glow with the new 2-Phasen Hyaluron-Shake
Hi my loves,
long time I have not published a beauty post but today is finally the day. As you already noticed I recently got one year older and with “aging” my beauty routine and therefore my skin routine also changes. The most important thing is beautiful skin, it is even more important when getting older. Just imagine you have a wonderful make-up but your skin is in bad condition? It will not be pretty at all. So for this reason the daily skincare is very very important! If you ask me hyaluron acid is my best friend. With this in mind I would like to introduce a very special new product I am testing some weeks now: the Hyaluron Shake from Annemarie Börlind.
It is no secret at all that hyaluron acid is the moisture booster number one. Not for nothing we can find the active substance in so many beauty products. The concentration depends on the individual skintype condition of course. Just now it is a very busy time for our skin. Transition time means transition for our skin too, the reversal from summer to fall and then finally winter with the cold and heating period is not easy at all. So much work for our skin!
Unfortunately my skin is some kind of a mimosa. That means every change is shown in spots or redness. So moisture is really important to keep the natural balance. Thanks to Annemarie Börlind and their natural cosmetics. I have discovered the brand some years ago and I am a big fan ever since. The products are all produced in the beautiful black forest in the South of Germany. This is a promise you can also read on their pretty seal of quality on every product. Annemarie Börlind is also famous because the products are vegetarian, some of them even vegan without any animal extracts #crueltyfree! You will also not find any mineral oils in the products. All these points are so important!
Let’s talk about the brandnew 2-Phases Hyaluron Shake: the natural cosmetics brand discovered the botanical hyaluron acid from the chinese jelly funghis. Jelly what? Yes, right, there are some Chinese mushrooms with a special hyaluron acid which is pretty similar to our important human hyaluron acid.
Signs of fatigue are blown away in a minute! I just love it! This is the reason why I also like to use the product during the day upon my makeup. It is so refreshing, let it glow!
All in all I can say that I am really convinced of the Annemarie Börlind products and their philosophy. By the way: if you suffer from very dry skin you should try the new 3 in 1 face oil.
The face oil is not only a very good care it has also a very special effect: it protects from blue light which we are exposed in so many situations when staring in our smartphone, tablet or even watching TV. This light is harmful, it destroys our cells and it is one factor which leads to rapid skin aging. The face oil also won (before it was even launched) the Award Victoire de la Beauté, this is something Annemarie Börlind can be really proud of! Congrats! It is a real innovative product.
My conclusion: no matter which product is yours, if you prefer the freshness of hyaluron or if you would like to protect yourself with the face oil, I can only recommend this natural cosmetics brand!
Have you ever tried natural cosmetics? What is your opinion? Let me know,
have a great evening lovelies,
Monique xx
*in lovely collaboration with Annemarie Börlind
Das Produkt hört sich super an – Hyaluron ist ja immer eine gute Wahl!
Auch deine Bilder gefallen mir sehr!
Viele Grüße und nachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag
Ich kann das Produkt wirklich nur empfehlen! Vielen Dank für die Glückwünsche, das ist wirklich lieb ♥♥
Hab ein schönes Wochenende,
liebe Grüße
Monique xx
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