Niessing Mirage
A fascinating play with illusions – Niessing Mirage
Hi my loves,
some time ago I already showed you the beautiful Niessing ring. Today it is time for another fascinating piece of jewel. When you are following me on Instagram you could already seen these amazing earrings several times. The new MIRAGE earrings are not only pretty there are even more so unique in its nature and form!
For this reason I wanted to shoot these earrings in a very special unique location. As you might have seen my choice fell on the Southern French Cassis. There couldn’t be a better one! I have actually dreamed a long time to finally visit this magical place. And what should I say? I was not disappointed at all. Cassis is full of magic, savoir-vivre and French vitality! The perfect scenery for the new Niessing Mirage earrings.
As I do not wanted to steal the earrings’ show I decided to go for an off-white oversized sweater and a dustyrose culotte. Et voilà: une look très francais!
Maybe you asked yourself what “Mirage” is all about. Well it certainly means playing with the different shades and facets of light, just like a “Fata Morgana”, a fascinating play with illusions!
Depending on the way light falls the earrings appear in a different facet. The various Niessing colors are clearly intensified and you will see them in a light you probably have never seen before!
In addition I have to say that these earrings are really leightweights. You do not even feel them while wearing. Like mostly all jewels from Niessing. This is one thing I really like. I mean just imagine you have the prettiest jewels but you are not able to wear them in daily life? This would be such a pitty, right?
I also hope that you love the earrings as much as I do! If so you should definitely keep an eye on my Instagram Channel tomorrow! There will be a big surprise!
With this in mind enjoy your evening lovelies,
Monique xx
The new Niessing Mirage earrings will be available from tomorrow, Nov 1st 2017 in selected stores and Niessing stores.
*in lovely collaboration with Niessing
Der Schmuck, den du trägst, ist wirklich toll, aber ich bin völlig verliebt in deine coole Sonnenbrille! Die Location ist übrigens ein Traum.
Liebe Grüße ♡Kristina
Danke liebe Kristina ♥♥
Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Feiertag heute!
Liebe Grüße
Monique xx
Beautiful outfit with great colors associated with white 😉
Thanks a million my dear ♥
Happy Sunday,
Monique xx
Traumhafte Kullise und ein toller Beitrag! Einfach PERFEKT liebe Monique. LG Tomasino
Vielen vielen Dank lieber Tomasino ♥
Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Sonntag,
viele Grüße
Monique xx
Super post. Redovno te citam samo tako nastavi. <3
Thanks a lot ♥♥
Have a wonderful Sunday,
Monique xx
Thank you ♥
Have a great day,
[…] ich hoffe ihr hattet ein wunderschönes Wochenende und stimmt euch so langsam aber sicher auf die kommende Weihnachtszeit ein. Passend dazu möchte ich euch heute von einem ganz besonderen Schmuck erzählen. In einem meiner letzten Posts habe ich euch bereits die neuen Mirage Ohrringe von Niessing gezeigt. […]