New in: Chloé Kole Boots
Hello new Chloé babies
My loves,
I hope you have enjoyed the Christmas days with your beloved ones! And I also hope that you got those gifts you have always dreamed of! Or you just made the perfect gift to yourself! This is what I did. My hubby and I decided to avoid buying gifts for ourselves some years ago. So I bought a little present for myself, these wonderful dreamy Chloé shoes.
To be honest: I was dreaming of these shoes a long time. But the price was just too high. So if you are waiting a while you can defintley get your dreampiece for the half of it. This is what happened here. Now a lot of luxury stores started the sale. And Chloé is one of my big dreams. But I guess some of you have the same dream, right? 😉
At the moment there are huge sales at Farfetch, Net-a-Porter and mytheresa.They also reduced prices for Chloé. So hurry up and don’t be late! But if you are lucky they will be some further reductions the next days.
I am very happy with my haul and I just can’t wait to wear them the first time outside. But I also have to say that they are not easy to care. Because of their bright colour and the material (parts of canvas). I might only wear them on sunny dry days. But that’s definitely a reason more to look forward to those days.
By the way they are also a combination allrounder. You can style them with some cropped or skinny jeans but also with a jogger or leggings. At the moment I am a sucker for a classy casual look. It has to be comfortable and chic at the same time. My favourite pieces are cashmere and knits.
What do you think about the Chloé Boots? Do you also have any dreampiece in mind you are just waiting for? Pls let me know!
│Shop my Style│
Kole Boots: Chloé (here)
Jogger: similar (here) or (here)
Cardigan: Allude
WOW! Das sind mal wahnsinnig schöne Schuhe.
Sehr stilvoll, da hätte ich gerne ein Ganzkörper Bild gesehen. Weil allein mit der Hose machen sie schon wirklich etwas her:)
Liebe Grüße Anni von http://hydrogenperoxid.net
Ohh danke Liebes ♥♥ ein Ganzkörperfoto folgt schon bald, heute konnte ich mich nur “obenrum” nicht zeigen, da ich mal auf Make-up verzichtet habe 😀
Ganz liebe Grüße und einen schönen Abend,
Monique xx
Sehr gute Wahl! 🙂
Liebe Grüße,
Verena von whoismocca.com
Danke liebe Verena ♥♥ ich hoffe dir geht es gut?
Habt einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr,
Alles Liebe
Monique xx
Wooooow wie genial die Boots einfach sind. Genau mein Geschmack 🙂
Liebe Grüße, Fiona THEDASHINGRIDER.com
Danke liebe Fiona 🙂 Man kann sie auch wirklich gut kombinieren!
Ich wünsche dir einen guten Rutsch und ein schönes Wochenende,
Monique xx
Wow die Schuhe sind so schöön!! Der ganze Post ist echt toll, wie dein kompletter Blog :))
Liebste Grüße, Rahel – http://justrahel.blogspot.com
Ohh danke Liebes ♥♥ das ist sehr nett von dir!
Die Schuhe trage ich auch momentan wirklich rauf und runter!
Ich wünsche dir einen guten Rutsch,
liebe Grüße
Monique xx
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