Casual Denim
Once you have find your denim – never let it go
Hi my loves,
well the title just says it all. We all know the long and annoying search for the right denim. There is nothing more tricky and insidious. Always the same situation: they look perfect in the changing room but horrible outside or vice versa. Well it is not a lot of fun actually. But when you finally, finally found the one you should never ever let it go. Quite the contrary: buy it in differnt colours and washes!
And I really know what I am taling about. I have about 60 denims in my closet but I only wear 90 % of them if at all. Unforunately a lot of them were just bad buys or I do not like them anymore. This is the reason why I decided to go for neutral, “normal” denims without a lot of details. I know that there are so many models: destroyed ones, with pearls, jewelry, patches or anything else. But these will only last for one season, afterwards you can not see them anymore or they are just out of style.
My newest buy is this pair of jeans from Helmut Lang. A timeless classic piece without any tam-tam. It is a straight boyfriend fit in a light blue colour. I just can’t understand why Helmut Lang isn’t hyped that much even though they were also responsible for laying the foundation stone for minimalism back in the 90ies. And I just can say that I am totally obsesses with their whole desings. Love every item! The quality and fit is the best argument and Helmut Lang will definitely be on my fashion list for a long, long time!
I have combined my new denim with a ultrasoft and cozy sweater with long sleeves, a black Stella McCartney bag and some white slingbacks. There is still a fresh breeze these days so I also took my beloved trenchcoat with me.
Did you already find your perfect pair of jeans? What do you think about Helmut Lang?
Have a great Sunday evening,
Monique xx
│Shop my Style│
Denim: Helmut Lang (here), another cool cropped version (here)
Sweater: Helmut Lang (here)
Bag: Stella McCartney Nina (here)
Slingbacks: Zara, similar (here) or (here)
Trenchcoat: Edited the Label (here)
Great outfit … denim is a perfect fit on you 😉
Thank you so much lovely ♥♥
Have a great day,
Monique xx
Sieht einfach klasse casual aus. Super Monique! LG Tomasino
Danke lieber Tomasino ♥♥
Ich wünsche dir einen guten Wochenstart,
Monique xx
Was für ein toller Look! Habe dich eben erst entdeckt, werde aber von nun an öfter auf deinem Blog vorbeischauen!
Liebe Grüße
Danke liebe Eva ♥♥ ich würde mich freuen, wenn du ab jetzt öfter hier vorbeischaust!
Ganz liebe Grüße und einen schönen Montag,
Monique xx
Wow, was für ein toller Look! perfekt für den Frühling. Weiße Pumps brauche ich auch noch unbedingt :-*
viele liebe Grüße
Melanie /
Hi Melanie,
vielen lieben Dank ♥♥
Weiße Pumps dürfen im Frühling nicht fehlen! Ich liebe sie einfach!
Hab einen schönen Tag,
liebe Grüße
Monique xx
Looking beautiful in this stylish outfit!
Die Jeans steht dir super! Dazu die Slingbacks: klasse.
Ich kenne das Problem übrigens auch: zig Jeans im Schrank, aber kaum eine ist die richtige. Ich persönlich liebe die Jeans von Current/ Elliott und habe tatsächlich direkt mehrere davon gekauft, sicher ist sicher. Helmut Lang kenne ich auch noch aus den 90ern, dann war er plötzlich verschwunden. Das war Minimalismus at its best! Hoffen wir dass das Label diesmal bestehen bleibt und weiter coole Sachen macht.
Claudine /