A houseboat in Amsterdam
Feeling like a local on a houseboat in Amsterdam
Hi my loves,
you might have been in Amsterdam for several times. You might have seen a lot of interesting things and you might also lived in very cool flats or visited one of the extraordinary cafés but you probably never lived on a real houseboot. Right in the middle of Amsterdam?
Something unforgetable! It really is. It is so unique, original and authentic. You just feel like a local. At the beginning I was a little bit concerned about getting some seasickness but these worries turned out to be unfounded in the end. I was able to enjoy our whole stay to the fullest!
The houseboat
The boat is situated right in the middle of Amsterdam, the street is called Oudeschans. When you are standing in front of the boat you can certainly imagine the size, it is really big and spacious with a total size of 100 qm. One of the eyecatchers is the hammock right in the middle of the living room with a view to the sky of Amsterdam. And there is a white piano. Pretty cool and original.
There is also a big white and clean kitchen within the living space with everything you need. Right behind you will find a big chill-out area just underneath the entrance with a beamer for cozy movie nights. When you cross the big living area you will find a small but comfortable bedroom and the bathroom as well as a little room with a closet. So there is certainly a lot of space and it is all furnitued in high-quality.
Something I was really impressed with was the fact that you can sit outside on the boat in the evening with a good glass of wine and watch the hustle and bustle on the canals of Amsterdam. So unique! The mood and the atmosphere with all the lights was jsut so beautiful and romantic!
The surroundings
Many interesting hotspots can be reached within a walking distance. But you can also use public transportation to reach points of a higher distance. Or you can travel with your own car. But as you might know from other big cities it is not so easy with parking. The streets around the canals are quite full and expensive. You have to pay 4€ per hour, this is expensive if you think about staying for some days. But there are also some car parks around the corner for 15€ per day.
You can get to many attractions by feet from the houseboat. And there is a lot to do and to see in Amsterdam. There is something for every taste. Something I really appreciate is the easy-going and relaxed nature of the Dutch. And I have also never met any Dutch who is not speaking English. There are so international and friendly. Particularly inspiring for me are the little houses and flats with their unique style of furnishing. Most of the Dutch do not have any curtains so you can easily take a look inside 🙂
At all Amsterdam is an internatioanl hotspot with a lot of different cultures and there is so much to discover and try out. If you love Organic Food you will love this city. There is a hip bar around every corner.
And another thing I love about this city is the fact that you only need a 30 minutes drive to get to the beach and relaxed seaside resorts such as Zandvoort or Bloemendaal aan Zee.
Amsterdam is worth a visit around every time of the year and living on a houseboat is a unique experience everyone should make in a lifetime!
P.S.: You can rent the houseboat right here
*in lovely cooperation with FeWo-direkt
Oh, euer Hausboot sieht ja luxuriös aus! Ich hab vor zwei Jahren mal auf einem Hausboot in Amsterdam übernachtet und das war nicht annähernd so schön. Meine Nacht war aber auch leider nicht so angenehm, ich bin nicht so gerne auf Booten im Allgemeinen und habe kein Auge zugemacht… Zu allem Überfluss hab ich dann für meinen Latte Macchiato am nächsten Morgen auch noch in die falsche Schale gegriffen und Salz statt Zucker genommen… Das war eine Reise, ma besten direkt wieder vergessen 😀
Die anderen fanden das Erlebnis auf dem Hausboot zu schlafen aber auch sehr schön 🙂
Liebe Grüße,
Leni 🙂
Oh nein, das hört sich aber gar nicht gut an! :/ Vielleicht hast du einfach nur auf dem falschen Hausboot geschlafen? Ich bin ja normalerweise auch sehr schnell seekrank, aber dieses Mal ging es mir prima! 🙂 Du musst es evtl. auch noch einmal ausprobieren?
Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend,
liebe Grüße
Monique xx
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